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TENORIC 50 MG 10 Tablets


Brand Name:  Tenoric

Name:   Chlorthalidone (50 mg) + Atenolol (50 mg) (12.5 mg)

Strength:  Chlorthalidone (50 mg) + Atenolol (50 mg) (12.5 mg)

Pills per order:   10  Tablets

Production Company:   IPCA Laboratories  

Used for:   For high blood pressure management

Tenoric 50 mg

IPCA LABORATORIES PVT LTD is the manufacturer.

Chlorthalidone (50 mg) + Atenolol (50 mg) (12.5 mg)

Description for Tenoric 50 mg

Tenoric 50 mg Tablet is a combination drug for high blood pressure management. During treatment with this drug, blood pressure and electrolytes levels must be monitored often. To get the best results, patients are encouraged to use this drug with a strict exercise and nutrition plan.

Negative effects of Tenoric 50 mg

Tenoric 50 mg Tablet has both major and minor side effects.

Vision is hazy

Breathing difficulties


Hands or feet that are cold


Pain in the chest


Urination frequency decreases

Thirst increases

Appetite loss.

Sleeping problems


Blood pressure is really low.



Vomiting or nausea


Tenoric 50 mg Tablet’s Applications

What is the purpose of it?

Essential hypertension is a condition in which the blood pressure is.

Concerns for Tenoric 50 mg

Questions that are frequently asked for Tenoric 50 mg

What is the time it takes for this treatment to start working?

The effect of this medicine might be seen within 1 hour of the dose being administered.

What is the duration of this medicine’s effects?

This medicine’s effect lasts for about 24 to 72 hours on average.

Is it okay to drink alcohol while on this medication?

Due to the increased risk of dizziness, fainting, very low blood pressure, changes in pulse rate, and other side effects, drinking alcohol while taking this prescription is not suggested. If you drink alcohol while taking this drug, you should avoid doing anything that requires a high level of mental awareness, such as driving a car or operating machinery.

Is this a drug that creates a habit?

There were no signs of habit formation.

Is it safe to use this medication while pregnant?

Pregnant women should not use this drug unless it is absolutely required. Before using this prescription, talk to your doctor about all of the dangers and benefits. Based on your clinical state, your doctor may suggest a safer alternative.

Is it safe to use this drug while breastfeeding?

Unless absolutely required, this medicine should not be used by women who are breastfeeding. Before using this prescription, talk to your doctor about all of the dangers and benefits. Based on your clinical state, your doctor may suggest a safer alternative.

When should you not use Tenoric 50 mg?


Patients with a known allergy to chlorthalidone, other sulfonamides, atenolol, other beta-blockers, or any other inactive chemicals in the formulation should not take this medication.

Shock caused by the heart

Due to the increased danger of the patient’s condition worsening, this drug is not advised for use in patients suffering from cardiogenic shock.

More than a first-degree heart block

Due to the increased risk of the patient’s condition worsening, this drug is not indicated for use in patients with a heart block greater than first degree.

Bradycardia of the Sinus

This medication is not suggested for patients with Sinus bradycardia since it may make their condition worse.

Uncompensated cardiac failure is a condition in which the heart fails without warning.

This medicine is not suggested for people with uncompensated heart failure since it may make their situation worse.

Pneumonia with severe edema

Because of the increased risk of major side effects, this drug is not indicated for patients with severe pulmonary edema.


Patients with anuria, a disorder in which the kidneys are unable to generate urine, should not take this medication.

Severe liver disease

Because of the increased risk of major side effects, this drug is not indicated for individuals with severe liver impairment.

Renal impairment that is severe

Because of the increased risk of major side effects, this drug is not indicated for individuals with severe renal impairment (CrCl 30 ml/min).

Warnings for Tenoric 50 mg


Pregnant women should not use this drug unless it is absolutely required. Before using this prescription, talk to your doctor about all of the dangers and benefits. Based on your clinical state, your doctor may suggest a safer alternative.


Unless absolutely required, this medicine should not be used by women who are breastfeeding. Before using this prescription, talk to your doctor about all of the dangers and benefits. Based on your clinical state, your doctor may suggest a safer alternative.

General cautions for Tenoric 50 mg

Insufficiency of the heart

In people with cardiac problems, this drug can cause heart failure and decreased blood flow. Such patients should have their heart function closely monitored. Depending on the clinical situation, appropriate dose modifications or replacement with a suitable alternative may be required.

a major operation

In patients who are scheduled for major surgery, this drug should be used with caution. To reduce the effect on the heart, an anesthetic with modest negative inotropic action should be chosen.

Lung Illness

In patients with lung problems who have not responded to conventional antihypertensive drugs, this medicine should be used with caution. Begin with the smallest amount feasible and gradually raise it dependent on the clinical state. In some situations, depending on the clinical state, replacement with an appropriate substitute may be required.


Athletes should avoid participating in specific sports while taking this medication. High-risk sports such as archery, racing, and shooting should be avoided. Sportspeople should consult the World Anti-Doping Agency’s (WADA) list of medicines that should not be consumed while competing in various sports events.


In patients with elevated thyroid levels, this drug should be used with caution. Withdrawing this prescription too quickly can cause a life-threatening illness known as thyroid-storm. Thyroid hormone levels should be monitored on a regular basis in such patients. Depending on the clinical situation, appropriate dose modifications or replacement with a suitable alternative may be required.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Because of the increased risk of major side effects, this drug should be used with extreme caution in patients with liver problems. While using this medication, it is recommended that you keep a close eye on your liver function. Any symptoms of disorientation or jaundice should be reported to your doctor as soon as possible. Depending on the clinical situation, appropriate dose modifications or replacement with a suitable alternative may be required.

Disturbances in volume and electrolytes

Some individuals’ blood volume and electrolyte balances may be affected by this medication. Dizziness, dry mouth, and an acid-base imbalance are all possible side effects. This risk is particularly significant in those with kidney or liver problems. Such individuals should have their blood pressure and electrolyte levels closely monitored. Depending on the clinical situation, appropriate dose modifications or replacement with a suitable alternative may be required.

Kidney Illness

Due to the increased risk of the patient’s condition worsening, this medicine should be used with caution in individuals with a known history of renal disorders. Such patients should have their renal function closely monitored. Depending on the clinical situation, appropriate dose modifications or replacement with a suitable alternative may be required.

Operating or driving machinery

Some people may experience sleepiness or dizziness as a result of taking this medication. If you have any of these symptoms, it is recommended that you do not engage in any tasks that demand a high level of mental alertness, such as driving a car or operating heavy machinery, while taking this prescription.

Children’s Use This medicine is not suggested for kids under the age of 18 since the safety and efficacy of use has not been clinically demonstrated.

Dosage for Tenoric 50 mg

Dose Missed

As soon as you remember, take the missed dose. If your next dose is approaching, skip the missing dose. Do not take a double dose to compensate for a missing dose.


In the event of an overdose, seek emergency medical attention or contact a doctor.

Interactions Every medicine has a unique interaction with each individual. Before taking any medication, talk to your doctor about all of the possible side effects.

Alcohol’s Interaction

Due to the increased risk of dizziness, fainting, very low blood pressure, changes in pulse rate, and other side effects, drinking alcohol while taking this prescription is not suggested. If you drink alcohol while taking this drug, you should avoid doing anything that requires a high level of mental awareness, such as driving a car or operating machinery.

Medicine and Interaction for Tenoric 50 mg

Insulin \ Alprazolam



Cisapride \ Theophylline

Diltiazem \ Lithium \ Diclofenac

Interactions between diseases for Tenoric 50 mg


Due to the increased risk of the patient’s condition worsening, this drug is not advised for use in individuals with a history of asthma. Under your doctor’s supervision, replacement with a suitable alternative should be considered.

AV Block/Bradyarrhythmia

Due to the increased risk of the patient’s condition worsening, this medicine is not recommended for use in patients with Sinus Bradyarrhythmia or a heart block greater than the first degree. Depending on the clinical situation, replacement with a suitable alternative may be required.

Glaucoma Patients with glaucoma should use this drug with caution because it can drop intraocular pressure and exacerbate the patient’s condition. Depending on the clinical situation, appropriate dose modifications or replacement with a suitable alternative may be required.


Due to the increased danger of blood sugar levels being altered, this drug should be used with great caution in individuals with diabetes mellitus. Such people should have their blood sugar levels closely monitored. Depending on the clinical situation, appropriate dose modifications or replacement with a suitable alternative may be required.


Because of the increased risk of the patient’s condition worsening, this drug should be used with caution in patients with pheochromocytoma. Under your doctor’s supervision, appropriate dose modifications or replacement with a suitable alternative should be considered.


Because this prescription reduces uric acid excretion, it should be used with caution in patients with hyperuricemia. This could have significant consequences. Under your doctor’s supervision, any dose modifications or replacement with a suitable alternative should be made.


In patients with hyperlipidemia, this medication should be used with caution because it can raise cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Such patients should have their cholesterol and triglyceride levels closely monitored. In some circumstances, depending on the clinical state, appropriate dose modifications or replacement with a suitable alternative may be required.

Interactions with food for Tenoric 50 mg

The use of a multivitamin with minerals and this combination medicine should be avoided because it may reduce the treatment’s effectiveness. To avoid interactions, leave at least 2 hours between the administration of a multivitamin with minerals and the administration of this combination medicine.

Large amounts of orange juice should be avoided when taking this prescription because it may reduce its effectiveness.

Instructions for Use Tenoric 50 mg

Follow your doctor’s instructions for taking this medication. Do not take more or less than what is prescribed. To avoid sleep disturbances, this medicine should be used throughout the day. Make sure you’re getting enough water. While using this medication, you should keep an eye on your kidney function and electrolytes levels. Any negative effects should be reported to your doctor as soon as possible. Do not stop taking this medication without first talking to your doctor.

Miscellaneous for Tenoric 50 mg

Can be taken with or without food, depending on your doctor’s advice.

It has the potential to make you sleepy.

How does it work?

Atenolol relaxes blood arteries and lowers heart rate, allowing blood to flow freely. Chlorthalidone causes the kidneys to excrete more water and salt. As a result, their combination is beneficial in lowering blood pressure.

Additional information

Chemical Name


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