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SYNDOPA CR 250 MG 10 Tablets


Brand Name:   Syndopa CR

Name:  Carbidopa 50 mg and Levodopa 200 mg 

Strength:  Carbidopa 50 mg and Levodopa 200 mg 

Pills per order:  10  tablets

Production Company:   Sun Pharma

Used for:  antiparkinson agent: a precursor of dopamine (chemical messenger in the brain) primarily used in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease with its symptoms including tremors, spasm, muscle stiffness, and poor muscle control

Syndopa CR 

Syndopa CR is an antiparkinson medication, a precursor of dopamine (a chemical messenger in the brain) that is primarily used to treat the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, such as tremors, spasms, muscle stiffness, and impaired motor control. Parkinson’s disease is a central nervous system ailment that affects movement and mobility, causing stiffness, tremors, walking difficulties, coordination problems, and balance problems. In Low dopamine levels are seen in parkinson’s patients as the dopamine-producing nerve cells (neurons) in the brain begin to die.

‘Levodopa’ and ‘Carbidopa’ are both present in Syndopa CR. Carbidopa is a decarboxylase inhibitor, while Levodopa is a central nervous system agent. With the brain, the pharmaceutical component Levodopa converts to dopamine, which aids in movement control. Carbidopa works by preventing Levodopa from being broken down in the bloodstream, allowing more Levodopa to reach the brain.

Follow your doctor’s instructions for taking Syndopa CR. It is recommended that you continue to use $ame for as long as your doctor has prescribed it after examining your medical condition. Nausea, vomiting, lack of appetite, light-headedness, reduced blood pressure, disorientation, and dyskinesia (uncontrolled/involuntary muscle movement) are the most prevalent side effects of Syndopa CR. The majority of Syndopa CR’s negative effects do not require medical treatment and fade away with time. Please visit your doctor if the side effects persist or worsen.

Please inform your doctor if you are allergic to Syndopa CR or any other medications. Before commencing Syndopa CR, you must stop taking levodopa for at least 12 hours. It is recommended that you inform your doctor if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Before taking Syndopa CR, tell your doctor if you have glaucoma, asthma, nausea, dizziness, mental illness, breathing problems, daytime sleepiness, involuntary muscular movements, extreme cravings like gambling, spending money, overeating, or increased sexual urges.

Parkinson’s illness Syndopa CR uses


Medicinal Advantages

Syndopa CR is an antiparkinson drug that helps people with Parkinson’s disease. Syndopa CR is a drug that combines two drugs: levodopa and carbidopa. Carbidopa belongs to the class of drugs known as decarboxylase inhibitors, whereas Levodopa belongs to the class of medications known as central nervous system agents. With the brain, the pharmaceutical component Levodopa converts to dopamine, which aids in movement control. Carbidopa works by preventing Levodopa from being broken down in the bloodstream, allowing more Levodopa to enter the brain and block acetylcholine (chemical messenger in the brain).

Use Instructions

Syndopa CR is a medication that can be taken with or without food. It is preferable to wait 30-60 minutes before eating a meal so that fast absorption from the intestine can occur before food gets in the way. It is recommended that you eat a light supper and avoid meals that are high in protein. Take this medication at least four hours apart from any iron supplements or products that contain iron. The intake of iron can impair the medication’s absorption. Syndopa CR tablets should be consumed whole with plenty of water; do not chew or split the tablet.

Store in a cool, dry location away from direct sunlight.

Syndopa CR Side Effects




Appetite loss.


Blood pressure is lower.

Dyskinesia (uncontrolled/involuntary muscle movement) is a condition in which a person’s muscles move involuntarily.

Drug Recommendations

If you have a medical history of diabetes, heart attacks, mental illness, stomach ulcers, heart disease, or have just had surgery, tell your doctor. Because lightheadedness can occur after using Carbidopa with Levodopa, it is best to avoid any work that requires mental alertness. Patients taking Carbidopa and Levodopa may experience low vitamin B12 levels as well as elevated methylmalonic acid levels. Aside from that, long-term use of carbidopa and levodopa may increase the risk of neuropathy (nerve damage). In individuals with narrow-angle glaucoma, abnormal heartbeat (arrhythmia), gastrointestinal bleeding, or psychosis, carbidopa and levodopa should be used with caution. If you’re taking monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) or antidepressants like isocarboxazid, phenelzine, selegiline, or tranylcypromine, you shouldn’t take carbidopa or levodopa since it can trigger a hypertension crisis.

Interactions Between Drugs

Other antiparkinson’s medications (rasagiline, pramipexole), water pills or diuretics (furosemide), high cholesterol-lowering drugs (atorvastatin), vitamins (pyridoxine), and antipsychotic drugs may interact with carbidopa and levodopa (quetiapine).

Interaction between Syndopa CR and Food Proteins: Carbidopa and Levodopa may interact with food proteins. As a result, high protein foods including chicken, beef, pork, eggs, and fish should be avoided since they may affect the effectiveness of Carbidopa and Levodopa. Vitamin supplements should not be taken with Carbidopa or Levodopa unless a doctor has prescribed them. Also, avoid consuming alcohol because it might cause drowsiness, dizziness, and difficulties concentrating.

Before taking Carbidopa with Levodopa, tell your doctor if you have glaucoma, asthma, nausea, dizziness, mental disease, breathing issues, daytime sleepiness, or involuntary muscular movements.

Safety Suggestions


Avoid drinking alcohol while using Syndopa CR a since it might cause side effects include sleepiness, dizziness, and difficulties concentrating.


Carbidopa and Levodopa are both Category B pregnancy drugs, which means they should only be administered to a pregnant woman if the benefits outweigh the dangers.


Carbidopa and Levodopa are excreted in human milk, although the effects of these drugs on an infant are unknown. Carbidopa and Levodopa are only given to a breastfeeding woman if the advantages outweigh the hazards, according to the doctor.


Carbidopa and Levodopa can make you drowsy and cause you to fall asleep unexpectedly. As a result, if you feel drowsy after taking Carbidopa with Levodopa, don’t drive.


Carbidopa and Levodopa should be used with caution if you have a history of liver disease or condition. Your doctor may alter the dose if necessary.


Carbidopa and Levodopa should be used with caution if you have a history of kidney disease or disorders. Your doctor may alter the dose if necessary.

No habit formation

Advice on Diet and Lifestyle

To avoid headaches caused by dehydration, drink plenty of water.

Sugary foods and foods with a lot of calories but few nutrients should be avoided since they can induce tooth decay.

Physical exercise, such as dancing or exercising, will increase a person’s metabolism and make them more energized.

Avoid drinking alcoholic drinks while using Carbidopa or Levodopa because it can dehydrate a person and disrupt their sleep. This can make it more difficult for the body to help Carbidopa and Levodopa fight infections.


For any off period, do not take more than one dose (2 capsules) (recurring symptoms in between regular doses).

Before using Carbidopa with Levodopa, tell your doctor if you experience any odd desires like gambling, spending money, overeating, or increased sexual urges.

Before commencing Carbidopa with Levodopa, you must stop taking Levodopa for at least 12 hours.

Other details: This item is non-refundable.

Concerns of Patients

Parkinson’s disease is a central nervous system ailment that affects mobility owing to nerve cell destruction in the brain, which lowers dopamine levels and causes symptoms like stiffness, tremor in one hand, shaking, difficulties walking, coordination, and balance. Symptoms may increase over time if effective treatment is not given at the appropriate time. This illness can endure for years or perhaps a lifetime. Tremors in the hands, a loss of feeling of coordination and balance in the body, changes in posture, tremors in the voice, a loss of sense of smell, and sleeping issues are all indications of Parkinson’s disease. Constipation, skin difficulties, sleep disorders, difficulty chewing, and swallowing are all typical signs and symptoms. The majority of patients mistook the early indicators of Parkinson’s disease for normal aging symptoms and did not seek medical help. Treatment in an early stage of the disease, on the other hand, is more successful and beneficial.


Stopping Carbidopa and Levodopa without seeing your doctor can lead to a serious illness known as withdrawal-emergent hyperpyrexia, which includes symptoms like confusion, fever, muscle rigidity, and abnormalities in heartbeat and respiration. As a result, take Carbidopa and Levodopa for as long as your doctor prescribes it, and if you develop any of these symptoms while taking Carbidopa and Levodopa, contact your doctor so that the dose can be progressively reduced.

Carbidopa and Levodopa should be kept at room temperature in a dry environment, and the capsules should be kept in the blister pack. Only soon before using the inhaler, open the capsules. Capsules should not be kept inside the inhaler device. Keep your capsules and inhaler dry at all times. After you’ve finished all of the capsules, you should discard the inhaler and replace it with a new one that comes with each new prescription. Carbidopa and Levodopa should be kept out of the reach of youngsters.

In some circumstances, taking Carbidopa with Levodopa for a long time can cause a deficiency in Vitamin B12. As a result, when taking Carbidopa and Levodopa, your doctor may urge regular Vitamin B12 tests.

The precise effects of birth control pills including Carbidopa and Levodopa are still being studied. If you’re using hormonal contraception, though, it’s best to tell your doctor. If a person has diarrhea and vomiting, they should modify their contraception, such as condoms and other forms of contraception.

Some people on Carbidopa and Levodopa have had gastrointestinal trouble, according to reports. To minimize or lessen adverse effects such as diarrhea, nausea, and indigestion, Carbidopa and Levodopa should be taken after a meal or snack. After the body has become accustomed to medicine, it can be taken with a small meal or on an empty stomach for greater outcomes. Always with your doctor about the optimum time to take your medicine.

When a person consumes Methotrexate and Carbidopa, drug interactions have been documented. However, clinical studies are still being conducted to determine how Carbidopa and Levodopa influence Methotrexate. For more information, one should consult their physician.

The majority of patients experience no adverse effects, including jaundice. If you’ve been using Carbidopa with Levodopa for a long time and notice yellowing of your skin or eyes, or abdominal pain, you should contact your doctor very away.

Syndopa CR is a drug that combines two drugs: levodopa and carbidopa. Carbidopa falls within the family of decarboxylase inhibitors, whereas Levodopa belongs to the class of drugs known as central nervous system agents. With the brain, the pharmaceutical component Levodopa converts to dopamine, which aids in movement control. Carbidopa works by preventing Levodopa from being broken down in the bloodstream, allowing more Levodopa to reach the brain.

Carbidopa and Levodopa should be avoided by patients with narrow-angle glaucoma. Carbidopa and Levodopa should not be taken in people with suspicious, undiagnosed skin lesions or a melanoma history because Levodopa may activate a malignant melanoma (skin cancer). Carbidopa and Levodopa both cause vitamin B12 deficiency, thus patients who are deficient in this vitamin should avoid using them.

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