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TAMODEX 10MG 10 tablets – Tamoxifen


Brand Name:  Tamodex

Chemical Name:  Tamoxifen 

Strength of Each Tablet:  10 mg 

Tablets per order:  10 tablets per sleeve 

Production Company:  Zydus Ltd

Used for:   Post Cycle Therapy, PCT, SERM, Bodybuilding, Breast Cancer, anti-estrogen, gynecomastia, estrogen receptor binding agent.   

Tamodex 10 Tablet Information

Tamodex 10 Tablet  is an anti-neoplastic drug that is commonly used to treat breast cancer. It’s also used to treat infertility in women caused by ovulation (produce and release) failure. Breast cancer is a malignancy of the breast cells that is triggered by the female sex hormone oestrogen.

Tamoxifen, which belongs to the anti-oestrogen class, is found in Tamodex 10 Tablet . A common name for Tamoxifen is the brand name Nolvadex which is the same as the Generic Version Tamodex.  Oestrogen (female sex hormone) is required for the growth of several kinds of breast cancer. Tamodex 10 Tablet 10 helps to treat breast cancer by blocking the effects of this oestrogen. Tamodex 10 Tablet  is also used to lower the risk of breast cancer in women who are at an increased risk owing to their age, personal and family medical history.

Follow your doctor’s instructions for using Tamoxifen . Depending on your medical condition, your doctor will determine the dosage. Hot flushes, headaches, muscular pains, leg cramps, weariness, nausea, hair loss, and numbness or tingling feeling are all typical adverse effects of Tamoxifen . These side effects aren’t for everyone, and they differ from person to person. Please contact your doctor if you have any uncontrollable adverse effects.

If your doctor hasn’t told you to take or stop using this prescription, don’t. If you have a medical history of liver or kidney illness, heart disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, a history of stroke or blood clot, chemotherapy, or cataracts, tell your doctor before taking Tamoxifen . Tamodex 10 Tablet  is not recommended for women who are pregnant or nursing. Because Tamoxifen  might make you fatigued, only drive when you are fully attentive. Alcohol should not be consumed while taking Tamoxfien. Children under the age of two should not take Tamoxfien.

Breast cancer, bodybuilding, post cycle therapy, and SERM are some of the uses of Tamodex 10 Tablet .

Tamoxifen can be used for two purposes in bodybuilding. The first option is to use it as an anti-estrogen throughout an androgenic anabolic steroid cycle to avoid estrogen-related adverse effects such gynecomastia, bloating, and high blood pressure. Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) is the second most helpful approach for increasing Luteinizing Hormone and testosterone levels.


Medicinal Advantages

Tamoxifen, an anti-oestrogen medication, is found in Tamodex 10 Tablet . It is used to treat men and women with breast cancer that has spread to other regions of their bodies. Tamodex 10 Tablet  is also used to treat breast cancer in women who have had surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy in the past. It efficiently addresses infertility in women caused by ovulation (produce and release) failure. Oestrogen (female sex hormone) is required for the growth of several kinds of breast cancer. Tamoxifen helps to treat breast cancer by blocking the effects of this oestrogen. Tamoxifen is also used to lower the risk of breast cancer in women who are at an increased risk owing to their age, personal and family medical history.

Use Instructions

Tablet/Capsule: Completely swallow the tablet with a glass of water. Tamodex 10 Tablet  can be taken with or without meals at regular intervals as directed by your doctor. It should not be crushed, chewed, or broken. Liquid: Use a measuring cup to measure the liquid form of Tamodex 10 Tablet  and take it as directed by your doctor.

Storage: Store in a cool, dry location away from direct sunlight.

Tamodex 10 Tablet  Side Effects

Flashes of heat


Muscle pain


Leg aches and pains


Hairline thinning

Feelings of numbness or tingling

Drug Recommendations

If you have any adverse reactions to Tamoxfien or any other drug, tell your doctor. If you have a medical history of liver or kidney illness, heart disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, a history of stroke or blood clot, chemotherapy, or cataracts, tell your doctor before taking Tamoxfien . When taken during pregnancy, Tamoxifen  can harm the unborn child. When used by a breastfeeding woman, it has the potential to damage the breastfed newborn. As a result, Tamoxifen is not recommended for pregnant or nursing women. If you’re using Tamoxifen , make sure you’re utilizing a dependable method of contraception to avoid getting pregnant while you’re on it. Tamoxifen  might make you fatigued and impair your ability to drive safely. If you are not mentally aware and concentrated, do not drive or operate machines. While using  Tamoxifen , you should avoid drinking alcohol. Children under the age of two should not be given Tamoxifen .

Interactions Between Drugs

Tamodex 10 Tablet  may interact with other drugs used to treat breast cancer (letrozole, anastrozole, exemestane), blood thinners (warfarin), anti-cancer drugs, antibiotics (rifampin), antidepressants (fluoxetine, paroxetine), fits medicines (carbamazepine, phenobarbital, phenytoin, primidone), anti-ulcer drugs (cimetidine), smoking cessation (cinacalcet).

Grapefruit and its juice have the potential to interact with Tamodex 10 Tablet .

Tamodex 10 Tablet  should be taken with caution if you have liver or renal disease, heart disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, a history of stroke or blood clot, are undergoing chemotherapy, or have cataracts.

Safety Suggestions


It is not recommended to drink alcohol while taking Tamodex 10 Tablet . For further information, please visit your doctor.


Tamodex 10 Tablet  is a medicine that falls within the pregnancy category D. Tamodex 10 Tablet  should not be used during pregnancy since it might damage the unborn child. When using Tamodex 10 Tablet , use a reliable form of contraception to avoid becoming pregnant.


It is not suggested to take Tamodex 10 Tablet  during nursing since it may be harmful to the breastfed child. If you’re a nursing mother, talk to your doctor before starting Tamodex 10 Tablet .


Tamodex 10 Tablet 10 might make you fatigued and impair your driving skills. If you have any uncontrollable adverse effects while taking Tamodex 10 Tablet , do not drive or operate machinery.


Before using Tamodex 10 Tablet , tell your doctor if you have a history of liver disease or hepatic impairment.


If you have a history of renal illness, tell your doctor before starting tamoxifen.

No habit formation

Advice on Diet and Lifestyle

Follow the doctor’s instructions and take the medicine at regular intervals.

Maintain a high-fiber diet that includes fruits, vegetables, and whole grains as well as healthy carbs.

Fish, soy, tomatoes, Brussels sprouts, kale, broccoli, and omega-3 fatty acid-rich oils like olive oil may help to lower the risk of prostate cancer.

Grilled meat, red meat, saturated fat from animal products, milk, and dairy products should all be avoided.

Obesity is also a risk factor for prostate cancer, therefore exercise frequently to decrease weight.

Consume food at regular intervals.

With a BMI of 19.5-24.9, you can keep your weight under control.

Choose a diet that is high in whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy.


Regular physical checkups and mammograms may be recommended by your doctor.

While using tamoxfien, self-examine your breasts every month to look for lumps.

To keep an eye on your liver’s health, your doctor may recommend liver function tests.

Specific tests, such as thyroid tests, may be affected tamoxifen. As a result, it’s critical to tell your doctor or laboratory staff that you’re taking tamoxifen before having any medical tests done.

Additional Information : This item cannot be returned.

Concerns of Patients

Glossary of Diseases and Conditions

Breast cancer is a kind of cancer that arises in breast cells that are driven by oestrogen, a female sex hormone. Breast cancer can develop in the lobules (milk-producing glands), ducts (the channel that transports milk from glands to the nipple), fatty tissue, or fibrous connective tissue of the breast. Tumor cells can infect healthy breast cells and go to lymph nodes, which is a common route for cancer cells to spread to other regions of the body. A lump in the breast or tissue thickening that feels different than the normal surrounding tissues, breast pain, redness, swelling, nipple discharge other than breast milk, bloody discharge, unexplained change in shape, size, or appearance of the breast, skin peeling, flaking, or scaling, and a lump or swelling under the arm are all symptoms of breast cancer.


Tamoxifen, an anti-neoplastic agent, is included in Tamodex 10 mg. It inhibits the effects of oestrogen, a female sex hormone. Inhibition of the hormone’s function can slow the development of cancer cells in breast cancer.

If you have a medical history of liver or kidney illness, heart disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, a history of stroke or blood clot, chemotherapy, or cataracts, you should use tamoxifen with care and under the supervision of a doctor. Before using tamoxifen tell your doctor if you have any additional medical issues.

It is critical to watch for signs of a stroke (slurred speech, sudden weakness or numbness, severe headache), signs of a blood clot in the lung (chest pain, sudden coughing, wheezing, rapid breathing, coughing up blood), and signs of a blood clot in one or both legs while taking Tamoxifen (pain, swelling, warmth, redness). If you detect any other symptoms that aren’t treatable or odd, please get medical help right away.

If you miss a dosage, take it as soon as possible. If your next dosage is approaching, omit the missed dose and return to your dosing plan. Do not take two doses.

Additional information

Chemical Name


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