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Russian Twists: Screwing Your Obliques the Right Way

Russian Twists: Screwing Your Obliques the Right Way

What’s strong, flexible, and can hold the weight of both sides of your body? The core! Ideally, think of it like a spider’s web, strong enough to support forces that you may have to withstand in everyday motions yet flexible enough to allow you to move gracefully.  Russian twists are a fun way to build […]

The Ultimate Abs Workout: 5 Exercises for a Shredded Core

The Ultimate Abs Workout: 5 Exercises for a Shredded Core

A tight and supple core can actually prevent back pain in old age! Even if you have a bit of a paunch, a strong core provides the stability to withstand the daily stresses of posture and movement. In this blog post, we will explore the best abs workout that targets the abdominal and oblique muscles […]

Best Exercises and Supplements for Strong Lats

Get a V-Taper like Bruce Lee: Exercises and Supplements for Strong Lats

I bet you’ve seen your share of Bruce Lee’s pop culture references. This means you’ve probably noticed that V-shaped taper in his upper body.  The American movie star and martial artist’s lats were so well-developed, he looked like he had bat wings! Perhaps it’s too late for you to develop your latissimus dorsi to that […]

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